Easter 2014 at Ayala Fairview Terraces

One of our yearly traditions and and a "looking forward event" is Easter Egg Hunt because we are always eggcited to attend one because of our Gavin! Last year, we had it at Rockwell. For this year, I decided to give it a try at Ayala Mall because this is near my parent's house because first, it's time saving as I don't like travelling far just to reach the destination for certain event like this. It was supposed to be in Active Fun in Fairview Terraces but the first thing that I saw was that the mall itself have one. The requirement was to purchase a  php500.00 at any stores and present it to the concierge. I think it was better way, at best the child or the parent has something to bring home.

While my Gavin was buying a toy from Toy's 'R "Us, I saw this on one of their racks and I so love it. You see, I love anything that involves party details. #simplejoys

and here are soem snapshots of Gavin's Easter Egg Hunt.

What we liked about the Event:
It was a walk in the park, straight forward and a smooth breeze event. We were just given a passport and was just requiring to complete all stamps to get the freebies and a picture in their photobooth. 

They had shows in the late afternoon but we did not participate anymore since we had to go to Eastwood.

Overall it was fun, organised and definitely FUN moment.