8 Things I Love About Itaewon Class

It’s been more than a month now since I finished one of the famous Kdramas in  Netflix and up to this time it holds a special place in my heart (aside from CLOY – Crash Landing On You) because of the life lessons I learned from it. It’s not the usual K dramas out there (No pun intended here because I love all K dramas for different beautiful reasons) because it tackles dreams, hopes, equalities in the society, leadership, marketing and a lot more. I got hooked when watching it because I was looking forward to what Park Seo Joon will do next to overcome the hurdles that came his way. It was a sweet victory in the end because what his dream came true. His father may not be able to see his victory in the end but that scene where PSJ’s dreamed of his father talking to him showed that his father is proud of him.
I am sharing with you the eight things I loved and learned from “Itaewon Class” and it left a mark in me:

1. “Your life might seem repetitive. But no one really knows what could happen tomorrow. Who knows? Your boring life might turn into an exciting one.” – This line came from Park Sae Ro Yi (Park Seo Joon) and it left a mark in me because
We are the captain of our ship. – It is up to us who can turn our boring life into an exciting one or a purpose filled life. We should not depend on other people to make it exciting. We call the shots in this thing called life.
 This line applied to him because after being released in the prison, he did not choose to be overwhelmed with fear of not being accepted again by society, instead he began with his journey to greatness starting from scratch and that is to go fishing so he could save up for his business.
Life is really repetitive, but it gives second chances to us. We can make it exciting by starting somewhere and by starting small steps towards whatever goals we have.

2. Don’t give up.
This is my biggest takeaway from Itaewon Class in more ways than one. Park Sae Ro Yi didn’t falter. He paused but he didn’t quit at all when things were rough in his journey. I can say that it strengthened him more. It made him more focused on his goals. When he was stressed out, he would a take a walk to clear his mind and think of solutions. Danbam (his pub) did not start successful but it overcame all problems such as:

·         No customers at first
·         A lot of competitors in Itaewon
·         The business needed to be close for quite some time as ordered
·         When their participation in a tv contest was cancelled

And a lot more. The difficulties he and his team encountered were solved in a professional way without ranting and I love how Park Sae Ro Yi handled it with grace under pressure. All the more I will not forget his character in this drama.

3. “I’m going to achieve everything I dream” 
He did not just dream, he made things happen! We can all dream but making it happen is another story, moreover overcoming obstacles is also part of the journey. I heard him say “ I have a 15 year plan”.

4. His people are the heart of his business
I knew it wouldn’t be easy. We can go the hard way. I have you guys.”
It’s been shown many times in this drama how much he valued his people through his words and actions. Through thick and thin, he was with them every step of the way.

5. Making use of his time when he was in prison
Instead of moping around, he made use of his time by reading the story about Janga and the antagonist’s journey to success.

6. His open-mindedness when it comes to his business
When his business was just starting he ordered a mascot costume (not sure how to call it!) and he gave flyers to passersby near his pub. When Jo Si-Yeo joined his team, that’s when learned the power of marketing of social media. He was open to the idea and he was willing to learn.

7. Jo Yi-Seo is amazing!
Need I say more? Even though she was mean at times in the drama, her strong and smart character is one for the books!

8. Great actors and actresses
It seemed to me that they were meant for their characters. Park Seo Joon’s acting here is excellent and he was really meant for this successful drama. I hope he wins the best actor in the Baeksang Arts Awards!
